I also did some sewing – a very basic one – now and then. I had the interest to do it but when I was in high school or collage, taking sewing course seemed to be a bit weird and silly idea. So from time to time, I only peeped at the sewing machine showed in the showroom, wondering if I ever touch it and learn to use it.
Years after, when I’m much more on my own and make my own money (and live so far from my family), I gathered all my courage and start doing my postponed dream.
I started to do crochet again several months ago, learning from my sister, internet and books. About the same time I managed to buy my first (and actually the first one in my nuclear family history) sewing machine. My parents were coming down to Singapore visiting me and I persuaded my mother to let me have the machine.
Around the beginning of 2009, I started to use the machine. It’s a bit frustrating at first (even now), but I think I’ve started to understand how to use it and enjoy the process.
My very first finished project using my Singer Girl was a laptop cover for my housemate, Beatrik. I called my sewing machine “Singer Girl” – Gadis Penyanyi in bahasa Indonesia – it feels oldies and so old-fashioned. I think that’s how some of my friends see me – I’m started to have old fashioned hobbies here :P
Beatrik loves her laptop very much. Sadly the hinge was broken so she can’t close the laptop. When she saw me having a fabric cover (I hand-sewed it) she asked me if I can make her one to cover her laptop. I said if one day I have my sewing machine, I would love to do it, because hand-sewing can be very time consuming. So I fulfill my promise by making her one - finally :)
As I also started to learn embroidery, I applied some simple embroidery for the front part. I tried my best to do the lining :p and I put a bit of crochet to make it nicer (the honest reason was because I was running out of idea how to combine two fabrics :P
Please enjoy the pics, I did learn a lot from this project and I hope I can learn more and do more projects :)